Friday, July 10, 2009

Chemo #2 – Round 2

This chemo treatment went almost like the first one except this time the nurse had trouble finding a good vein. As two different nursed tried digging in my arm trying to find a vein I began to feel faint. They finally found a vein and I didn’t faint. It wasn’t a good feeling. After that experience they had suggested that I install a port in my chest. A few of the patients had this port and they all seem to really like it. I may look into it and see what I need to do to have one. I will let you all know when I do.

Other than that the treatment went well. The Doc finally gave us the results of all the tests that I had done. They are putting me at a Stage IIB. The staging is to determine how far along the cancer has spread. The definition of the stage they gave me is below.

Stage II. In this stage, the cancer is in two different lymph nodes, but is limited to a section of the body either above or below the diaphragm.

The letter B indicates that you may have significant signs and symptoms, such as a persistent fever greater than 100 F with no other known cause, unintended weight loss of more than 10 percent of your body weight or severe night sweats.

To be specific I have a swollen lymph node on the side of my neck and one in the middle of my chest. The letter “B” represents the itching and night sweats I have from time to time. We are very happy with this stage and I believe we had caught this fairly early. It did not spread to any other organ and it did not spread to my bone marrow. All my blood work is fine and my lungs are perfectly normal. We will continue with the planned treatment, which will be every other Thursday twice a month for six months. So, since I already did two treatments that gives me ten more to go and five more months!! Awesome!

When I came home yesterday I felt tired and slept for a couple hours. The best sleep I had in a long time.


  1. I tried to get a better picture of him but as soon as he almost fainted the nurses all came running over and hovered over him. I couldn't get in quick enough. They brought him a pillow, took his blood pressure, propped up his feet and gave him orange juice.

  2. Well I hope the next five months go by fast and smooth. I love you! You are my HERO!!

  3. This is great news! 10 more, piece of cake!! Lorraine should do the number of cupcakes every other week for how many left! I say, get the shunt, seems easier in the long run and no arm pain! My 2 cents! Take it easy! Jen

  4. Dear Jason,
    My heart delights in the good news. And I am reminded of the scripture that says in Ps. 10:17 You Hear O Lord the desire of the afflicted you Encourage them and You listen to their cry defending the fatherless and the OPPRESSED. To God be praise!. tisha galindo Mestas.

  5. Jason, we are proud of you being strong though this and staying positive, we know it must be tough on you mentally and physically. i just want you to know there is alot of people praying for daily.

  6. Jason I'm so amazed on how well you are doing conpared to me back in 1981 and i thank God for that you are so strong and brave i'm with you all the way but do'nt even try that faint thing again like you did when you were about 7 years old you scared me now and back then but you still had that smile on your face.So hang in there son and remember who Loves you Baby................. LOVE MOM

  7. I'm so glad that the stage indicates that they caught this early. You'll lick this thing in no time! Praying every day for you.

  8. We are glad to hear that your test results came back with positive news!We know you will make the best decision for your own body regarding the port. We have friends with kids that had cancer & they all did much better with the port. (The kids call it their extra belly button!) You & Lorraine hang in there! You both are so strong and many prayers are on your side! God Bless, Shammy.
