After this next scan in January I will be going for checkups and scans every three months for the next two years. If the Hodgkin’s does come back it is most likely to come back within the first two years of remission. I will not have to do any more treatments and no more blood work every two weeks like I was doing. I feel like I have a fresh new start at life and can’t wait to start doing more things. With Chemo we really couldn’t plan anything and now I feel like we can move on with our lives. It was like our life was put on pause for these last six months and now it has restarted. Doc says it will take at least six months for the Chemo to wear off from my body. I will gradually feel better and my hair will grow back as the months go by. It is weird to try and get back to normal. Like going to dinner with friends was very exciting. Going to the record store and buying something for myself was an awesome feeling. You never know how much you miss these things and how normal they make you feel. I have been feeling tired by the end of the day and I been sleeping nicely. As for Rupert (my Mediport) it will really be up to me when I want to take it out. People can leave it in for years and live with it in case the cancer comes back. I’m not sure when I will take it out. I’m thinking I will wait a few months and see how these next scans come out. It only hurts when you press on it or rub against it and lay on it. It doesn’t look pretty but I can live with it for now.
I really believe I have beat this thing and Lorraine and I will live the life we dreamed of!
On a day that I would have had to do another round of Chemo we decided to go to Disneyland. Oh, it also happened to be my Birthday!
Hope everyone has a happy holiday!!